A brief overview of the education situation in Yemen:

During the conflict, schools are often destroyed or become unsafe. Students are forced out of school, making them more vulnerable and at risk of violence, forced labor, and permanent displacement, without a guarantee that they can go back to school when they arrive at a safer destination. Yemen still faces significant challenges, including girls’ enrollment, retention and completion rates, teacher quality and instructional materials, and emergency or conflict-affected areas.
Ensuring that children have access to education during conflict and crises protects their rights, instills a sense of normalcy, and fosters resilience, inclusion, and tolerance, supporting the long-term processes of recovery and peacebuilding.

YDN education program interventions:

In 2019, YDN started conducting education interventions to utilize its accumulated experiences and sophisticated resources to respond to the devastating humanitarian situation developing as a result of the ongoing conflict. This was interpreted in the provision of school bags with stationery, and WASH facilities rehabilitation (Including provision of cleaning materials and conduct hygiene awareness). More than 21,768 students have benefited in 6 governorates.

Geographical Coverage:

(6) governorates: Amant Al Asimah, Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Hadramoot, and Al Dhele’e.

An active partner in:

  • National Education Cluster and Hubs.

Summary of the education interventions:

More than 21,768 the total of the education program interventions beneficiaries