Studies and researches Department interests of researches, studies and consultations preparation and aims to improve performance and excellence in resources level from infrastructure, human element, management and systems.

It also supervises of gathering data and information that related to YDN activities and conducts needs assessments and build questionnaires to evaluate and develop YDN policies, plans and work.

Studies and researches department consists of four departments consists of four departments that work as integrators to conduct the department tasks.

The department manager coordinates and follows up the other departments to achieve the objectives of YDN operational plan and conducts, assess, and follow-up the staff performance.

Statistics Department:

  • Supervision of gathering data and information about YDN activities to develop the surveys and build questionnaires.
  • Communicate with various YDN entities, exchange data and provide information to decision makers.
  • Monitor YDN activities and create periodic annual and technical reports.

Studies and Consultations Department:

  • Supervision of studies preparation that support the achievement of YDN strategic objectives and find solutions of obstacles and follow-up its implementation.
  • Conduct consultations in civil work to support and achieve YDN strategy.
  • Documentation and archive the studies outputs and consultations.

Research Department:

  • Supervision of Research preparation that support the achievement of YDN strategic objectives and find solutions of obstacles and follow-up its implementation.
  • Conduct scientific research and researches projects to support and achieve YDN strategy.
  • Share the scientific papers in important local and international conferences.

Development and Evaluation Department:

  • Conduct institutional assessment surveys and participatory development plans.
  • Prepare plans to use the studies and consultations outputs.
  • Prepare plans to use research outputs.
  • Follow up the implementation of plans to reflect the research, studies and consultations outputs.
  • Evaluate the research, studies and consultations outputs.